In the beginning, God created...
He is the ultimate Creator, and everything that we create reflects Him. Everything we do through worship, media, marketing, livestream, and social media points back to Jesus. If there are new ways of doing ministry, we will find them. We will do whatever it takes to reach people in new ways and to spread the gospel of Jesus. The creative team exists to serve the whole church and create an environment where people can experience the love of God for the first time. We are passionate about the local church and serving the body of Christ.
We strive for excellence not for the show of it, but because we’re called to worship God with all that we have in spirit and in truth.
Our worship teams consist of both pastors and directors, as well as amazing volunteers that serve in all of our campuses each Sunday.
Our mission is to bring people into an atmosphere to encounter God through song and technology.
Livestream has become one of the first touch points when someone is interested in attending a church for the first time. We have been blessed to have a top-tier online environment for people to be a part of the church without physically attending. This has been a huge blessing to those who cannot come on a Sunday morning for a myriad of reasons.
If you’re interested in joining the livestream and tech team, please reach out to us at office@freedomcenter.church and we would love to connect with you and share the heart and vision of Freedom Center Church’s creative department.
Our worship team wrote and released an EP earlier this year. The goal is to have a full album of worship songs for not just our people, but anyone seeking to encounter God.
You can find the full EP on any of your music streaming platforms.